Intro Img

Rania Farouk El Sayed


Supervised Master's Degree


Supervised Doctoral Degrees


Dr. Rania Farouk Years Of Experience


Dr. Rania Farouk Publications

Rania Farouk El Sayed
Professor of Radiology
ORCID 0000-0002-4614-2464
Head of "Cairo University Pelvic Floor Imaging Unit and Research Lab "
Department of Radiology, Cairo University Teaching Hospitals
Cairo, Egypt


Dr. Rania Farouk El Sayed, MD is a professor in the Radiodiagnosis Department of Cairo University in Egypt Head of Cairo University MR Pelvic Floor Centre of Excellency and Research Lab, Cairo University She is the founder of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology “Pelvic Floor MRI working group”.
She was the Chairwoman of this working group from 2007 to 2014 and has been re-elected from 2016 to 2018.
She has published multiple journal articles on MRI in PFD Most important is the ESUR-ESGAR guidelines of MR imaging of the pelvic floor as well as the SAR DFP Recommendations.
She contributed to the 2nd and 3rd edition of the Diagnostic Imaging Gynaecology on 2014 and 2021.
In addition, she is a reviewer for several US and European journals related to radiology, including the American Journal of Roentgenology, Radiology, and the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology.
Professor El Sayed has taught about radiology of the pelvic floor at professional meetings in Scotland, Croatia, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, and Austria. Most recently, she was a faculty member of the 46th International Diagnostic Course in Davos, Switzerland April 2014.
In 2005, she was awarded first prize at the 12th ESUR meeting for her lecture in Slovenia on the urethral support system, in which she reported having confirmed, anatomically and histologically and with the use of MRI, the identity of a previously unknown urethral ligament all over the world “Dissection, Histology, and MRI of Female Cadavers and MRI of Healthy Nulliparous Women to Define the Ligaments Supporting the Urethra.
AJR 2007;189: 2007. In addition, her lecture during ECR 2007 refreshing course l was selected among the top 25 lectures in the ECR 2007 with the highest score in the GU program.
On a personal level, Dr. El Sayed has a great passion for the pelvic floor imaging topic and brings that energy into every talk and training that she delivers.
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